Thursday, July 30, 2020

What is supercomputer? | Top 5 Supercomputers in 2020

            IBM supercomputer

This is a supercomputer. and no, it's not just a PC with a cape and (good intentions) yes, it's an extremely powerful computer... but wait, what's a computer? 

A computer is a machine that takes information, stores, and processes it, and generates an output. supercomputers do the same thing but faster, with more data, and in a different way. 

okay.. let's start at the beginning. personal computers from the 80s and 90s were serial processors. they performed operations one thing at a time, like

  • checking things off a 
  • 'to-do' list 
  • in an orderly fashion

PC we have today (and even our smartphones) have made a lot of progress and can now perform multiple operations at a time. 

but for problems that are extremely complex, like simulating molecular behavior or modeling the Earth's climate, Serial processing (or even using a modern PC) would take wayyyyy too long. supercomputers solve this problem by being able to perform many operations at once, In parallel. These kinds of computers have more processors and split problems into chunks with each processor working on a different piece and all the processors working together at the same time

want to hear a number that'll blow your mind?

when you ask a supercomputer to work on a problem, it can be like asking a hundred million PC's to work on the problem. Now that is power. you can imagine that the kind of software that helps you
tell your laptop what to do probably won't work when you're talking to a supercomputer. supercomputing systems require scaled-up software that organizes, assigns, stores, and processes data in a particular way that makes parallel computing possible. and some problems are easier to solve with parallel computing than others.

fun Fact:

Problems that are really easy to split into chunks of classic Trello computing network are called embarrassingly (parallel problems).

parallel acute angle

something else to consider... running an immense number of processors requires an immense amount of power, both to run the computers and pull them down. 

Just like your laptop has a fan in it to keep all its moving and electrical parts cool so it can continue to function optimally. Computers on a much larger scale have to be kept cool too, either by the fan or by cold water that flows through pipes throughout the computing building. 

                       computer cooling fan
                     cooling fan
liquid cooling pc
liquid cooling pipes

So supercomputers not only solve some of the world's toughest problems But also present interesting software and hardware challenges for the world's most creative problem solvers. The new Japanese Supercomputer called Fugaku. will be one of the fastest in the world and is currently being used to solve a diverse array of complex problems, like how to speed up the discovery for experimental COVID-19 (coronavirus) research. and will help us ask questions the world needs answers to all of which we'll try to cover in upcoming installments of this supercomputing series.

Also Read:

Worlds Top 5 Supercomputer are listed below

5. Tianhe-2 (China)
4. Sunway TaihuLight (China)
3. Sierra (US) 
2. Summit (US)
1. Fugaku (Japan) 


We hope that by reading this article, you will have come to know that what is the supercomputer really? In this post, we have tried to share with you the basic information in a simple way. How right is this attempt? please tell us in the comment.
Warning: Do not take this information forever, because in every single minute technology changes.

Monday, April 27, 2020

What is hardware? - Definition | Hardware Types | Examples

What is hardware? - Definition | Hardware Types | Examples

In today's post, you will know what is hardware and how many types are there? If you are interested in Computer, then you must have heard about these two words Hardware and Software.Because it is both the main computer parts, without these the computer has no existence. This is exactly the same as a person without body and mind.That is why if you understand the functionality of these parts of the computer, then you can easily solve the basic computer problem.


The definition of hardware and its function is completely different from software. But it is also true that it is not without any other use. Actually, hardware does one kind of work of computer and software is of another kind,therefore in the absence of one, the other is no longer of any use. So let's start this post and know with examples,what is hardware.

What is Hardware -

Physical elements of computer that we can see and touch are called "Hardware". For example Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, Motherboard, Ram etc. are all computer hardware. In fact, hardware is a collective term used to describe computer parts.The hardware is usually directed by the software to execute any commands or instructions.

Computers do not exist without hardware. Because only a computer can be completed with these. A simple example of this is that the screen in which you are reading this article right now, whether it is a computer or mobile phone, its screen is a hardware.

Western Digital - wd hard drive color comparison | Meaning | pros and cons | Images

Processor - what is processor? | Specs explained | images

Computer hardware is divided into two main parts:

Internal Hardware - Internal components that are not usually visible to us as they are present inside the computer case. To see them, we have to open the computer. The list of internal hardware is given below.

Central processing unit (CPU)
PSU (Power Supply Unit)
NIC (Network card)
Heat Sink (Fan)
GPU (Graphical processing unit)

External Hardware - External components, also called peripheral components, are associated with computers from outside. 
These include Input and Output Device, the list of which is given below.

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

Types of Hardware :

You have already realized that computer hardware refers to the physical parts with which a computer is built. We have given you many examples of this above. You may have seen this many during the example. That is why they are divided into different category. The computer hardware below is classified into four different categories, which will make it easier for you to understand them.

1. Input device :

Under this comes the hardware device, which performs the task of sending data to the computer. It is through this that users make contact with computers and get them done. Overall, by using them, you are able to control and interact with computer. The easiest example of this is your keyboard, it allows the user to input alphanumeric data and commands into the computer. Think if the keyboard was not part of it, would you have been able to use the computer. There are many computer hardware under the input device, some of the main examples are given below.


2. Output device :

In this, the computer hardware comes, which works to make the computer data accessible or user friendly. For example, computer screen which we call monitor. The monitor is the main output device of the computer. It works to convey any data to you. That is, whatever instruction you feed in the computer, its output is visible to you through them. Through the output device, the computer is able to communicate with the user and other hardware device. Some examples of these are given below, which by reading you will understand the output device better.

Touch Screen

3. Processing device :

When you send data to a computer through a keyboard or another input device, it passes through an intermediate stage before being sent to a data monitor or an output device. This is the stage where raw data is converted into information. Processing device is the hardware of the computer that handles this intermediate stage. They are also called internal memory devices.

Below are some prominent examples of this.

CPU (Central processing unit)
GPU (Graphics processing unit)
Network Card

4. Storage device :

It is the computing hardware that performs the task of maintaining and storing data. Storage device is one of the core components of any computer device. It stores almost all the data and application on the computer. For example, a standard computer has many storage devices including RAM, Cache and Hard disk.

➤ There are two types of storage device in a computer.

i. Primary Storage Device - 

This storage device is used to hold data temporarily. They are very small in size. Due to 
which it is internal to the computer. The primary storage device has the fastest data access speed. These include :
Ram and Cache Memory.

ii. Secondary Storage Device - 

These devices have large storage capacity. In addition, it stores the data permanently (permanently). It is present inside or outside the computer. The main examples of these are optical disk drive, hard disk and USB storage device.

Conclusion :

We hope that by reading this article, you will have come to know what is Hardware and how many types are there? In this post, we have tried to share with you the complete hardware information. How right is this attempt, please tell us in the comment.

Friday, April 17, 2020

WD HDD color difference explained

Do you know the meaning of the different colors of WD HDD?

internal part

HDD internal mechanism

Hello Friends,

In this article I am going to clear your confusion which is related to the meaning of the HDD's colors. WD refers to a Western Digital Company known for their Hard Disk Drive's, Which are used to store data. Western Digital Company's Hard Drive comes with Six colors.

In general,when we are went to computer shop to buy hard disk we are get confused, when we see  many type of hard disk drive available in markets.Then we think about which hdd is needed for you.
Many times buyers buy low performance hdd because it is cheapest. To overcome your this  confusion, I have tried to tell meaning of these colors in very easy language.

  1. WD Green Color HDD -
  • It is very low quality basic level Hard Disk Drive.
  • It is not used for main system.
  • It is mainly used as secondary storage to store doc.,video and images.
  • Because of its low cost many it become failed and your data may be vanished out.                                                                
      Pros :                 
     ➬ Energy efficient                                                                         
     ➬ Low noise    
     ➬ Low heat produce                                 

     Cons :
     ➬Read Write speed is slow
     ➬Low performance
     ➬2-Year Warranty      

        2. WD Blue Color HDD - 

  • It is most commonly used hdd.
  • It also known as all rounder hdd.
  • It is mostly used for daily work,suitable for home PC.
  • Used for installing OS.
  • It is available in 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm(must preferred)

      Pros :
      ➬Read Write speed is greater than green.
      ➬Relatively Quite for Speed

     Cons :
      ➬Maximum 1 TB capacity
      ➬2-Year Warranty

        3. WD Black Color HDD -

  • Basically used for Video, Photo editing and for Gaming.
  • It is Optimized for games.
  • If you are a game lover then its for you :)
      Pros :
      ➬5 Year Warranty
      ➬Large Capacity Upto 4 TB memory

     Cons :
     ➬Greater noise compared to green and blue hdd


        4. WD Red and Red Pro HDD -

  • Designed to operate in the always-on environment of a NAS or RAID configuration
  •  Used in Servers and Data centers.
  • It is used for 24/7 used.
  • Read speed is top level/ greater than other color hdd.

      Pros :
      ➬Upto 14 TB capacity
      ➬3-5 Year Warranty

         5. WD Purple Color HDD -

  • It exact opposite of red and red pro hdd.
  • Used in Video Surveillance.
  • It is used All Frame Technology.
  • High Performance
  • Write speed is very high.

      Pros :
      ➬3 Year Warranty.
      ➬Upto 14 TB capacity

       6. WD Gold Color HDD -

  • It is premium HDD.
  • All top level specifications.
  • Used for Business,Company and Data Center Servers.

      Pros :
      ➬Very High Level Performance and Speed.

      Cons :
      ➬Very Expensive nearly 8500 for 1 TB memory.

Shop now

Conclusion :

In this article we have tried to explain the color meanings and difference between the different color HDD.In speaking with WD,we learned that there is no architectural or processing difference in that.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

what is processor? | Specs explained | images

Processor - what is processor? | Specs explained | images

                     i5 processor

What is processor?


Lithography: It refers to the semiconductor technology used to manufacture an integrated circuit, and is reported in nanometer (nm), indicative built on the semiconductor.

Core: Core is a hardware term that describe the no. of the independent central processing unit in a single computing component.

Threads: A threads or thread of execution is a software term for the basic ordered sequence that can be passed or processed by a single CPU core.

Processor Base Frequency: Processor Base Frequency describes the rate at which the processor's transistors open and close. The processor base frequency is the operating point where is defined. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz) or Gillion cycle per second.

Cache: CPU cache is an area of fast memory located on the processor.

Max Memory Size: It refers to the maximum memory capacity supported by the processor.

Bus Speed: A bus speed or a subsystem that transfers data between the computer components or between computers. 

                 It includes the following types:

          𐩒    Front Side Bus (FBS):  It carries data between the CPU and memory controller hub.
          𐩒    Direct Media Interface(DMI): It is point to point interconnection between an intel integrated memory controller and intel I/O controller hub on the computer motherboard.

          𐩒    Quick Path Interconnect(QPI): It is point to point interconnect between the CPU and integrated memory controller.

                                      Conclusion :

In this, we have given the just meaning of the main target word which is important when we when we're going to buy any processor. We have given the link of some important content to know more about that. You can also check the following given below, it is the intel site where you can compare the processors. Most of the content is refers to the intel site given below. We have tried to given all the content in a single site. If you have any queries regarding all hardware terms then you can comment below.
